field hockey camp

Winter Field Hockey Forward & Finishing Clinics

Goal Scoring Training For Grades 5-12

The shadow of a field hockey player as they run down the pitch.

AgesGrades 5-12
Skill LevelAll

The hardest thing to do on a field hockey field is score goals. No matter what position you play, we will make you a better goal-scorer! This program puts heavy emphasis on functional training for midfielders and strikers in the offensive third and is all about scoring goals. The finishing program will allow players to become effective finishers in front of the net. With our Goalie Academy students present in the net during each class, players will concentrate on scoring goals against a live goalie from many angles, from various services and by using multiple finishing techniques.

Please bring water, FH stick, ball, shinguards, mouth guard & work-out attire to every class.

Have questions? Please feel free to email us at

DayDatesLocationClinicAge & Price